30.08.2016 18:01
On the 30-th of August in the Chamber ofAdvocates of RA took pace a discussion on the topic of "The role of advocates during processes of political importance". The orator of the Discussion was the member of the Chamber of Advocates of Paris, advocate Sevak Torosyan.
At the beginning of the discussion the orator reverted to the "constituent proceedings" concept definition conventional in international legal practice. According to his presentation, those proceedings mainly influence on the democracy principle and it is evident that the advocate's role had been fulfilled. He noted that as far as he was informed from his Armenian colleagues this kind of proceedings haven't occured in our country yet. In this sense he secluded 4 conditional main poles of a free country: law, freedom of press, freedom of civil movement and the advocate. He noted, that the realization of the real role of the advocate is an important investment in the issue of country's total democracy development.
During the discussion that had turned into experience exchange the advocates reverted to the role of advocate in proceedings of political character, to the developed peculiarities of tactics, as also to the common regularities of keeping advocate's confidence in the frames of a case.
Responding to his colleagues request, Sevak Torosyan reverted to the examples of danger threatening him during his own practice and in the lack of its counteraction conditions not to refuse from the assumed defense, as also within the permited borders to endow the very case with social tone. In this context, emphesising the necessity of collaborating with press the Armenian advocates also presented examples of their activity.
The orator, reverting to the advocate's mission, noted that important is the awareness of the fact that public freedom is more to be defensed than even the defendant. According to him only this way it is possible to reach indicative result in proceedings of political character: keeping from the very beginning political neutrality and the necessary silence.
On discussing the consumption of inner governmental instances in reaching justice and some cases of applying to the European Court of Human Rights, the advocates reverted to the opens of our Constitution, emphasizing not only the role of advocate, but also the judge in having fair sentence on each case. Agreeing with his colleagues Sevak Torosyan noted, that he could conclude from his activity implemented in France that for fair solution even more courageous than the advocate is to be the judge.
The colleagues discussed some issues concerning to the defense of "Sasna Tsrer" group, including some social and department responses to the questions that had been arisen by their defenders.